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发表时间:2023-03-13 13:30:24  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
英文普及怎么说,名词       英文普及怎么说,名词      普及是: dissemination      dissemination       英[dɪˌsemɪ'neɪʃn] 美[dɪˌsɛməˈneʃən]   .



      普及是: dissemination
      英[dɪˌsemɪ'neɪʃn] 美[dɪˌsɛməˈneʃən]
      n. 散播,宣传; 浸染; 普及
      [例句]The dissemination of error does people great harm.


      Popular是形容词,它的名词形式是:popularity 流行/普及。




      6 -ar(-ular,-icular)[L]=Ⅰa. of~;like~;having the nature of~Ⅱn. one that is connected with~


      1)充当形容词后缀时,意思为of~(…的),like(像…的)或having the nature of~(有…性质的)。

      2)充当名词后缀时,意为one that is connected with~,即表示“与…有关的人或物”。-ar还可与其他后缀组成-ular,-icular等复合形式(见本节练习2)。


      lunar[lun=the moon月亮;-ar→]a. ①of the moon月球的 / They brought back some lunar rock samples. 他们带回一些月球上的岩石标本。②like the moon似月的 / He appeared and stood in the lunar glow of faraway street lights. 他出现在远处的路灯底下,好似站在朦胧的月光之中。

      nuclear[nucle=nucleus核,原子核;-ar→]a. of or having to do with a nucleus; atomic核的;原子核的 / The use of nuclear weapons will destroy the whole world. 使用核武器将会毁灭整个世界。

      familiar[famili=family亲属;-ar⇒“like one's own family像自己亲属般的”→]a. well known; well acquainted熟悉的;通晓的 / He is familiar with English and French. 他通晓英语和法语。

      ▷familiarity n. 熟悉,通晓

      familiarize v. 使熟悉,使通晓

      popular[popul=people大众;-ar⇒“having the nature of the people具有大众性的”→]a. ①of the people大众的,民众的 / A popular opinion poll shows that he will win in the election. 一项民意测验表明他将在选举中获胜。②liked by most people大众喜爱的,流行的 / She sang a popular song at the evening party. 她在晚会上唱了一首流行歌曲。

      ▷popularity n. 大众性,通俗性;普及,名望

      popularize v. 使普及;推广;使大众化


      bursar[burs=purse钱袋;-ar⇒“one who is connected with the purse管理钱袋者”→]n. a treasurer of a university大学掌管财务者 / In his report Bursar suggested that the University should cut down some projects. 财务主任在报告中建议学校削减一些项目。

      justiciar[justici=justice公正;-ar⇒“one who is connected with administrating justice负责维持公正的人”→]n. a public officer authorized to hear and determine cases in the court of law法官 / He is the youngest justiciar in the supreme court. 他是最高法院的最年轻的法官。

      cellar[cell=room房间;-ar→]n. an underground room for storage地窖 / They usually keep the wine in the cellar. 他们通常把酒藏在地窖里。

      grammar[gramm=letter字母,文字;-ar⇒“rules that are connected with the use of language使用文字的规则”→]n. the features of a language语法 / He often makes mistakes in grammar. 他常犯语法错误。

      ▷grammatical a. 语法上的

      练习 6


      ① consular a. 领事职权的  (  )a. of~

      ② peculiar a. 特有的,独具的  (  )b. like~

      ③ solar a. 太阳的  (  )c. having to do with~

      ④ stellar a. 星形的  (  )d. having the nature of~



      A 名词词根+-ar a.→原生形容词

      ① angular [angul=angle]  (  )a. 同样的,相似的

      ② insular [insul=island]  (  )b. 瓣状的,阀门的

      ③ ocular [ocul=eye]  (  )c. 海岛的,岛形的

      ④ similar [simil=like]  (  )d. 角的,有角的

      ⑤ valvar [valv=valve]  (  )e. 眼睛的,视觉的

      B 名词词根+-ular / -icular→原生形容词

      ① auricular [aur=ear]  (  )a. 圆的

      ② circular [circ=circle]  (  )b. 球状的

      ③ globular [glob=globe]  (  )c. 神谕的,圣言的

      ④ oracular [orac=oracle]  (  )d. 壮观的

      ⑤ spectacular [spectac=spectacle]  (  )e. 耳的,听觉的

      C 名词词根+-ar→原生名词

      ① ashlar [ashl=board]  (  )a. 代理人

      ② calendar [calend=the first day]  (  )b. 日历

      ③ collar [coll=neck]  (  )c. 磨牙

      ④ molar [mol=grinder]  (  )d. 领子

      ⑤ vicar [vic=substitute]  (  )e. 方石



      ① cell n. 细胞→cellular a. _______________

      ② column n. 圆柱→columnar a. _______________

      ③ line n. 线→linear a. _______________

      ④ molecule n. 分子→molecular a. _______________

      ⑤ orb n. 圆;球→orbicular a. _______________



      ① altar n. 祭坛[alt=to bring up]

      ② beggar n. 乞丐(←beg v. 乞求)

      ③ liar n. 说谎者(←lie v. 说谎)

      ④ pedlar n. 小贩,货郎(←peddle v. 沿街叫卖)

      ⑤ registrar n. 管注册的人(←register v. 注册)
