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发表时间:2023-02-27 13:00:14  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
      在.....旁边的英语是beside、alongside      一、beside      英 [bɪˈsaɪd]   美 [bɪˈsaɪd]        prep.不中(目标),不对(题),与…无关;(表示.



      英 [bɪˈsaɪd]   美 [bɪˈsaɪd]  


      He sat beside her all night.



      英 [əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd]   美 [əˌlɔ:ŋˈsaɪd]  



      A police car pulled up alongside us.




      一、in the proximity of

      英 [in ðə prɔkˈsimiti ɔv]   美 [ɪn ði prɑkˈsɪmɪti ʌv]  


      The Guacolda Power Station is advantageously located in Huasco in the proximity of customers. 


      二、in the vicinity of

      英 [in ðə viˈsiniti ɔv]   美 [ɪn ði vɪˈsɪnɪti ʌv]  


      There's a factory in the vicinity of the school. 





      在.....旁边的英语是next to或者是beside。
      next to 英[nekst tu:] 美[nɛkst tu]
      adv. 几乎;
      prep. 紧邻; 在…近旁; 仅次于; 紧接;
      [例句]Someone introduced us and I sat next to him
      beside 英[bɪˈsaɪd] 美[bɪˈsaɪd]
      prep. 不中(目标),不对(题),与…无关; (表示排斥) 除…之外; (表示位置) 在…旁边,,在…一侧,在…附近; (表示关系) 与…无关,和…相比,比起…来,比得上;
      adv. 〈古〉同“besides”;
      [例句]On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books

英语中表示“旁边”的介词——by、beside、near、close to、next to



      by 的本义是在...旁边,类似于 beside

      byproduct 副产品(在主产品旁边一同被生产的产品) | byroad 小路、侧道(在主路旁边的小路)

      She stood by the window. 她站在窗边

      Jane went and sat by Patrick. 简走过去坐在帕特里克身旁



      由在...旁边,可引申为在...旁边经过,类似于 past

      bypass 绕开(从旁边通过) | Let's bypass the town. 我们绕过这座小镇子吧

      He walked right by me without even saying hello. 他径直从我身边走过,连招呼都不打

      I pass by the farm every day on my way to work. 我每天上班都要经过这个农场

      So you just came by? 你是刚好经过吗



      You took him by the hand. 你抓住了他的手

      On seeing you, he seized you tightly by the hair. 他一看到你,就紧紧抓住了你的头发

      He took Elaine by the arm and led her across the road. 他搀着伊莱恩的胳膊,领她过马路

      She grabbed the hammer by the handle. 她抓着锤子的柄



      by car/train/bus/taxi etc | They travelled to Chicago by train. 他们乘火车去芝加哥

      by air/sea/land/road/rail etc | All supplies are transported by air. 补给品全部空运

      by doing something | She earns her living by selling insurance. 她以推销保险为生

      You can reserve the tickets by phone. 你可以通过电话订票

      Send it by airmail. 用航空邮件把它寄走

      Some customers prefer to pay by cheque. 有些客户喜欢用支票支付

      These biscuits are made by hand. 这些饼干是手工做的

      I swear I did it all by myself. 我发誓这都是我独自一人完成的

      They came in by the back door. 他们从后门进来

      It’s quicker to go by the country route. 走乡村小路更快

      This afternoon I picked up a purse by chance. 今天下午我偶然捡到一个钱包

      I guess I left my purse somewhere in the park by mistake. 我想我把钱包误丢到公园里的某个地方了

      They are paid by hour. 他们按小时支付



      I was attacked by a dog. 我被一条狗袭击

      We are all alarmed by the rise in violent crime. 我们都对暴力罪案的增加感到忧虑

      his appointment by the BBC as a producer 英国广播公司委任他为制片人

      He was brought up by his grandparents. 他被他的祖父母养大

      a short story by Charles Dickens 查尔斯·狄更斯写的一个短篇小说

      Who’s it by? 这是谁的作品


      由在...旁边,引申为强调“经过”时的位移,引申为“差量、变量、变化” change difference

      The price of oil fell by a further $2 a barrel. 每桶油价又下跌了两美元

      I was overcharged by £3. 我被多收了3英镑

      Godard’s first film was better by far 戈达尔的第一部电影要好得多

      The ball has moved by five centimeters. 小球移动了五厘米

      I guess my blood pressure has risen by 10%. 我猜自己的血压也许已经升高了 10%

      A bullet missed him merely by one inch. 子弹离他仅仅一英寸



      The documents need to be ready by next Friday. 文件必须在下星期五之前准备好

      I reckon the film should be over by 9.30. 我估计电影9点半应该结束了

      By the end of the day we had sold over 2,000 tickets. 一天下来我们卖出了2,000多张票

      By the time we got home we were tired and hungry. 回到家的时候,我们已经又累又饿了


      You've got to play by the rules. 你必须按规则比赛

      Profits were £6 million, but by our standards this is low. 利润有600万英镑,但按照我们的标准,这算是少的

      By my watch, it's already five o'clock. 我的手表显示已经五点了

      By law, you are obliged to wear seat belts. 根据法律,你有义务系安全带


      go by 时间逝去 | Then again, years may go by. Years may go by. 时光荏苒,岁月流逝

      come by 从旁路走过;得到(得到; 找到)| Jobs were hard to come by. 工作是很难找到的

      drop by 顺便走访,非正式访问 | Afternoons he would drop by the Club. 下午他要去顺便拜访俱乐部

      abide by 遵守;信守;承担…的后果 | You have to abide by its rules. 你要遵守它的规章

      bit by bit 一点一点地,渐渐 | Bit by bit, I was starting to change my mind. 渐渐地,我改变了自己的意识

      day by day 一天天 | It is getting warmer day by day. 天气一天比一天暖和了

      by accident 偶然 | John ran into an old friend by accident. John 偶遇了一位老友

      by degrees 逐渐地,渐渐地;一步一步地 | The truth was drawn from her by degrees. 她逐渐吐露真情

      by contrast 相比之下;与之相比 | She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well. 她考试差点不及格,而她的妹妹相比之下考得很好

      by and large 总的来说,大体上 | By and large, the new arrangements have worked well. 总的来说,新的安排运行的很好

      by and by 不久以后,将来 | She will be better by and by. 她将来会更好的

      by the by 顺便说一下 | By the by, he might call round tonight. 顺便告诉你,他也许今天晚上会过来



      stand beside 站在旁边,支持 | Stand beside me and hold the torch. 拿着手电筒站在我旁边

      Wendy came up and sat beside me. 温迪走过来,坐在我身边

      the table beside the bed 床边的桌子

      I was standing right beside her at the time. 当时我就站在她的旁边

      I moved from behind my desk to sit beside her. 我从我的桌子后面搬到坐在她旁边




      set beside 跟...相比 | No one can set beside him. 没有人能和他相比

      This year's sales figures don't look very good beside last year's results. 今年销售额和去年相比不是很好

      The children seemed tiny beside him. 孩子们在他身边显得只有一丁点大

      My painting looks childish beside yours. 与你的相比,我的画显得幼稚


      beside point 离题的,不相干的 | The debate is largely beside the point. 这样的辩论在很大程度上不得要领 | He’s very charming, but that’s beside the point. 他很有魅力,但那是题外话了

      be beside yourself (由于气愤、激动等而)失去控制;忘形 | The poor girl was almost beside herself. 那个可怜的女孩快要气疯了 | Mom and Dad will be beside themselves with worry. 爸爸和妈妈会担心死的




      They live near London. 他们住在伦敦附近。

      I'm sure they live somewhere near here. 我肯定他们就住在这附近。

      They moved house to be nearer the school. 他们把家搬到离学校近一些

      Don't come near me. 别靠近我


      I didn't remember to phone until near the end of the week. 快到周末我才想起要打电话


      Inflation is now near 10%. 通货膨胀率目前接近10%

      He looked nearer fifty than forty. 他看上去更像50岁而不是40岁

      Strawberries are near the top of the list. 草莓列在清单的前几项里


      The work is now near completion. 这项工作现已接近尾声

      They say that love is very near to hate. 他们说爱恨仅一步之遥

      His story was near enough the truth for people to believe it. 他的描述非常接近事实,足以令人相信


      a painful feeling near to headache 一种近乎于头疼的疼痛感

      She was near to crying. 她几乎要哭了

      A lot of women were near tears. 许多女人差点落泪

      He seemed to know that he was near to death. 他似乎知道自己快要死了


      near by 接近;在…附近 | I knew no one near by, nor could I find my way about. 附近的人我一个也不认识,我也不认得路

      come near 走近;险些;可与…相比(多用于否定句)| Their dog was so fierce that no one dared to come near it. 他们的狗太凶猛了,所以没有敢靠近它。

      near at hand 在手边,在附近 | She is one of the famous leading actresses in Hollywood. Fame and fortune is near at hand. 她是好莱坞的一线女星,名和利触手可及

close to


      Is it close to the subway station? 离地铁站近吗?

      What? - Too close to the mic. 又怎么了 -离麦克风太近了

      Reports said they came close to a settlement. 有报道称,他们快要达成和解

      Wow. We’re getting close to the end. 我们快要结束了

next to


      There was a little girl sitting next to him. 有个小女孩坐在他旁边



      He knows next to nothing about antiques. 他对古董几乎一窍不通

      This crossword puzzle is next to impossible. 这个纵横字谜几乎不可能做出来


      Next to her, I’m a very poor cook. 和她比起来,我的厨艺太差了

      Next to soccer, I like playing tennis best. 我最喜欢踢足球,其次是打网球

在什么什么旁边怎么写 英文

      【aside】英 [əˈsaɪd] 美 [əˈsaɪd]






      1、Sarah closed the book and laid it aside.


      2、Billy Ewing grabbed him by the elbow and took him aside.


      3、She had been standing in the doorway, but now she stepped aside to let them pass.




