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发表时间:2023-03-14 15:30:34  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
      1. Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we’d know that no one’s ordinary. we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives.      如果你.

      1. Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we’d know that no one’s ordinary. we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives.


      2. When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.


      3. Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. And if you really wanna see what people are... all you have to do... is look.


      4. But I came upon a passage that he wrote, “Greatness,” he wrote, “Lies not in being strong, but in the right using for strength. ”


      5. Who is it that I aspire to be? That is the question that we should be asking ourselves all the time.


      6. You are born different, and you are not destined to be drowned in the crowd.


      7. Real friends are hard to find.


      8. Look at me. We all have marks on our face. I have this wrinkle here from your first surgery. I have these wrinkles here from your last surgery. This is the map that shows us where we’ve going. And this is the map that shows us where we’ve been. And it’s never ever ugly.


      9. Auggie can’t change the way he looks. So, maybe we can change the way we see.


      10. Because I’m your mom, it counts the most because I know you the most.


      11. The best way to measure how much you’ve grown isn’t by inches or the number of laps you can now run around the track, or even your grade point average - though those things are important, to be sure. It’s what you’ve done with your time, how you’ve chosen to spend your days, and whom you've touched this year. That, to me, is the greatest measure of success.


      12. Kindness is everywhere, all you need to do is look... So , I guess, we just to look, look for the goodness. They are actually... everywhere.


      13. You’re different by nature. You don’t have to hide.


      14. I know I’m not an ordinary 10-year-old. I’ve had 27 surgeries so that I can breathe, see, and hear without hearing aids, but it all makes me look unusual.


      15. Dear Will .One of the lessons I have learned from 20 years of teaching is that we have to look at two sides of everything. In fact, I can imagine what the cause of the fight is. There is absolutely no reason to defend beating my classmates, but I know that friendship is worth defending. Therefore, I will resume your scholarship after two days of your suspension. Please continue to work hard to maintain your good quality. I salute you.


      16. You are Augie’s sister and you are Viah. These two identities never conflict. When you bravely pursue your dream, no one or anything can hide your light.


      17. My mother always said... If you don’t like where you are... just picture where you wanna be.


      18. I don’t know. Sometimes when I feel about to cry, it often evolves into an impulse to almost laugh. That must have been how I really felt at the time, because I laughed, almost giggled.


      19. Because school sucks. And people change. So if you wanna be a normal kid, Auggie, then those are the rules.




      1 My mom always said…"If you don't like where you are…just picture where you wanna be."
      ————————————By Auggie(奥吉)
      2 "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind."
      3 Because I'm your mom, it counts the most because I know you the most.
      ————————————By Isabel(伊莎贝尔)
      4 While nothing justifies striking another student…I know good friends are worth defending.
      ————————————By Mr. Tushman(图始曼先生)
      5 Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we'd know that no one's ordinary. And we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives.
      ————————————By Auggie(奥吉)



      1、My mom always said: "If you don't like where you are…just picture where you wanna be".


      2、When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.


      3、Because I'm your mom, it counts the most because I know you the most.


      4、While nothing justifies striking another student…I know good friends are worth defending.


      5、Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we'd know that no one's ordinary. And we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives.








