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发表时间:2024-04-30 13:35:21  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
文章更新时间:2024-04-30,话题:#king是什么意思# 文章来源:匿名用户, 内容简述:strangerking是啥意思

国王: [ guó wáng ] 1. king 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 他被国王册封为侯爵。 he was conferred marquess by the king. 2. 这个国王没有宽容之心,杀死了所有的犯人。 the king showed no mercy and killed all the prisoners. 3. 那个国王因罪恶多端而臭名昭著。 the king was infamous for his guilt of many infamies. 4. 他们拜倒在国王的脚下。 they prostrated themselves before the king. 5. 公爵命令仆人把一封信送给国王。 the duke ordered the servant to send a letter to the king. 6. 他宣誓对国王效忠。 he took an oath of fealty to the king. 7. 皇室的领地并非属于国王私人所有,而是属于国家的。 land belonging to the crown does not belong to the king personally but to the state. 8. 所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。 the court of king solomon was noted for its splendor.

the king是什么意思?

the king
the king[英][ðə kiŋ][美][ði kɪŋ]
This robe was made specially for the king.


The Stranger King theory offers a framework to understand global colonialism. It seeks to explain the apparent ease whereby many indigenous peoples subjugated themselves to an alien colonial power and places state formation by colonial powers within the continuum of earlier, similar but indigenous processes.
It highlights the imposition of colonialism not as the result of the breaking of the spirit of local communities by brute force, or as reflecting an ignorant peasantrys acquiescence in the lies of its self-interested leaders, but as a peoples rational and productive acceptance of an opportunity offered.
The theory was developed by Marshall Sahlins in the Pacific region and is described by David Henley using the North Sulawesi region in Indonesia as his prime case study. The Stranger King theory suggests similarities and divergences between pre-colonial and colonial processes of state-formation enabling to build with insight on the historiography of the colonial transition in the Asia-Pacific part of the world.

