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发表时间:2023-03-23 09:13:03  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
牛津词典公布2022年度词汇:Goblin Mode       今天,牛津词典公布2022年度词汇:Goblin Mode.       goblin /ˈɡɒb.lɪn/ 表示“(故事中通常很丑陋且祸害人的)小妖精,小妖怪.


牛津词典公布2022年度词汇:Goblin Mode

      今天,牛津词典公布2022年度词汇:Goblin Mode.

       goblin /ˈɡɒb.lɪn/ 表示“(故事中通常很丑陋且祸害人的)小妖精,小妖怪”,英文解释为“(in stories) a small, ugly creature that is harmful to humans”。

       Goblin Mode,鬼怪模式/哥布林模式/摆烂模式,形容的是一种肆无忌惮地自我放纵、懒惰、邋遢或贪婪状态,且通常是以不遵守社会规范或期望的方式呈现。(a type of behaviour which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.)

       维基百科的定义:Goblin mode is a neologism for rejecting societal expectations and living in an unkempt, hedonistic manner without regard to self-image. Goblin mode是一个新词,指的是拒绝社会期望,以不修边幅、享乐主义的方式生活,而不考虑自我形象。

      据了解,该词走红是因为,2022年2月份,推特上有人恶搞了一张标题为「朱莉娅·福克斯坦言她和侃爷的‘艰难关系’:他不喜欢我进入“哥布林模式”」的新闻截图,吃瓜群众不知道goblin mode是什么奇怪的东西。


      (prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)


      【学习步骤: (1) 英文单词在紧接片语什么意思? (2) 从中文句子塑造语境, 用英文表达并背熟英文句子; (3) 反复温习】

      fascinate (fascinated by stories on ghosts) (v.) 被深深吸引(被深深吸引关于鬼魂故事)
      儿童们被深深吸引关于鬼魂, 邪魔, 小妖精, 女巫, 男法术士, 弄坏机器小妖精, 鬼怪, 和其他邪精灵故事
      Children are fascinated by stories on ghosts, demons, goblins, witches, warlocks, gremlins, bogeymen, and other evil spirits.

      incorrigible (incorrigible old fool) (adj.) 顽固不变的(顽固不变的老傻瓜)
      He said: “Call me an incorrigible old fool all you want, but I’m not going to wear shorts regardless how hot the weather may be.”

      consumption (red wine consumption) (n.) 饮用(饮用红酒)
      Red wine consumption in moderation is beneficial to both your health and palate.

      spillover (spillover benefits from the concert) (n.) 遍及(音乐会遍及益处)
      The spillover benefits from the concert were professed to be three-billion dollars.

      voice (singing voice) (n.) 声音(唱歌声音)
      This timid little girl has a singing voice that can astonish you.

      scream (screamed at the top of my lungs) (v.) 尖叫(声嘶力竭地尖叫)
      At the breathtaking basketball game, at times I was completely carried away and screamed at the top of my lungs.

      leg (leg-humping dog) (n.) 大腿(跟大腿***的狗)
      The leg-humping dog is in heat.

      guy (I’m just an ordinary guy) (n.) 人(我只是个普通人)
      他说: “我只是个普通人以我自己的细小方法来处理我日常事务试图去谋取微薄的生计.”
      He said: “I’m just an ordinary guy who goes about my daily business in my own little way trying to make a meager living.”

      future (future is bright as sunshine) (n.) 前途(前途是如阳光般光明)
      Future of this boy is bright as sunshine.

      charge (continue to charge forward) (v.) 进(继续前进)
      他彻底失败之后,他能够振作起来, 继续前进
      After he fell flat on his face, he was able to pick himself up and continue to charge forward.

      (看: ADAM单词表引言: 学习方法和符号解释


